Ropelab Building a session

Ropelab Building a session

Everyone approaches rope in a different way, some like more playful rope, some enjoy exploring shame and others prefer tormenting rope. Whatever your approach, you can involve D/s dynamics, intimacy or even a light-hearted (dynamic). Knowing your intention will give you the power to communicate with your rope, but also before you even start to tie. How can we communicate that with our partners without talking? This workshop will give you the tools, and the know-how, to build your session from the ground up. You will learn how to evoke certain emotions by applying basic techniques in a variety of ways, these techniques will include

  • Movement and positioning of the rigger
  • Body handling of the model
  • Tension and distance
  • Pace and timing
  • Eye contact
  • Setting the scene (clothing choice, music,
  • environment etc.)
  • And much more…

Our aim is to validate different ways of doing rope and give you the tools to express to, and nurture that feeling within your partner to build your session to a natural peak. Whether that peak is emotional, physical or both.

S sebou:

  • 2-4 provazů (je možnost zapůjčení omezeného množství provazů na místě)
  • Pohodlné oblečení, Pro modelky je vhodnější upnuté oblečení a podprsenky bez kostic.

Uvedená cena je vstupné za jednoho účastníka workshopu.  (Workshop je nutné zaplatit předem převodem na účet.). Na workshop je nutné přijít ve dvojici.

Na akci platí tato pravidla.

Pro tvůj komfort je Ti k dispozici zázemí Klubovny.

Tento workshop bude veden v anglickém jazyce, pokud vaše angličtina není dokonalá, nezoufejte, Nëya zde bude také v roli případného překladatele a můžete tak například pokládat dotazy česky. Pokud si svým porozuměním výkladu v anglickém jazyce nejste jisti vůbec, doporučujme přijít s partnerem, který pro vás bude schopen překládat.


14 Čvn 2023


18:00 - 22:00


600.00 Kč
Klubovna Ostrava


Klubovna Ostrava



I first fell in love with Kinbaku in 2016 when I attended the Kinbaku Dojo Berlin. Since then, my life has been a whirlwind of private tuition, workshops and rope events. I began my journey in Osada style and although I have evolved a lot since then, I owe a lot to the incredibly detailed and thorough education that I received. To me, Kinbaku isn’t about patterns or pretty shapes. Patterns are a tool, and pretty shapes are the by-product. Kinbaku is about taking your own internal emotional monologue and turning it into an external emotional dialogue. The journey is what matters to me.

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